Oferta Pedagógica - How to stop discrimination and enhance cultural dialogue | 2nd Edition

This MOOC aims to develop problem-solving, critical thinking, collaborative working skills of participants, leadership development, enhance social, civic and intellectual competencies to prevent and tackle discrimination, radicalism, and racism.
This MOOC aims to foster a more peaceful generation in Europe and in Turkey that approaches migrants with positive attitudes. It will aim to achieve this objective by developing problem-solving, critical thinking and collaborative working skills of the participants through leadership development. It aims to provide students with skills to better understand, negotiate and resolve conflicts, to have more positive attitudes towards migrants.
The skills, such as the students’ ability to change their attitudes, are critical for their social life, workplace attitudes and all other mediums of exposure to people from diverse cultures.
Attending this course will allow you to:
This MOOC’s purpose is to enhance social, civic and intellectual competencies recognized as effective tools to prevent and tackle discrimination, radicalism, and racism.
Working language: English (the entire course is developed in English).SYLLABUS:
1. Stereotypes and Prejudices 1;
2. Stereotypes and Prejudices 2;
3. Stereotypes and Prejudices 3;
4. Group-Focused Enmity;
5. Inequality and Social Justice;
6. Language and Migration.
Authorship: Peacemakers Project, funded by European Project Erasmus+ K2 Peacemakers
This is a 8 weeks MOOC (starting 24st of January till the 21th of March 2022).
The participant can perform this MOOC without certification or choose to obtain a training certificate, in digital format.
Obtaining the training certificate implies the successful completion of mandatory assessment activities, marked on the learning path, and the payment of a fee of 30 euros (administrative costs).
Social Sciences: Migration Sociology
This training course is estimated for 78 hours overall and 9 hours per week, +6 hours for the introductory topic (8 weeks).
Level 3 – Advanced: Approach with some complexity of the proposed topics, useful for those who want to deepen their knowledge.
How to stop discrimination and enhance cultural dialogue is an online open course output of Peacemakers Project, funded by European Project Erasmus+ K2 Peacemakers https://peacemakers.ku.edu.tr/ led by Koç University and the project partners: Universidade Aberta/CEMRI, University of Bologna, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Gaziantep University and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

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