Oferta Pedagógica - Course 2 - Understanding Chatbots

Nível 2

This course provides you with the core concepts and practices that are relevant for chatbots strategies design.

The course is composed of 3 topics: we will start from the concept of chatbots. 

This course is focused on the fundamentals of the chatbots design. 

The main objective of this course is to have a general overview on fundamentals of chatbots design.

Objective: General overview on fundamentals of chatbots design

Learning outcomes:

After finishing this course, participants:

  1. Will be able to understand the aim of using chatbots in education 

  2. Will be able to choose the mostly appropriate tool to develop chat for the course

  3. Will be able to identify weakness and threats of the chatbots

  • Chatbots tools: purpose for education
  • Technological features and chatbots development 
  • Literacy of use to design and implement chatbots: weakness and threats

This course was developed as part of the EU-funded project HYBOT - Enhancing hybrid teaching in higher education through chatbots. See further information on the project website: https://hybot.eu/

Permanently open resource for autonomous exploration.

This training program does not provide certification.

Duration: 1 months (4 weeks)

Workload:  Approximately 25 lesson hours (1 ECTS)

The creation of this resource has been partially funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000023203. Neither the European Commission nor the project’s national funding agency DAAD are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of this resource.