Oferta Pedagógica - Course 3 - Chatbot Building & Implementation

Level 3

In the previous courses, you've diligently worked on problem identification and, ideally, started sketching out the objectives you have for your chatbot. By now, you should have a solid understanding of the challenges you aim to address and the solutions you hope to offer. This is the foundation upon which we'll build throughout this course.

To kick things off, we have a warm-up activity for you. We'd like you to revisit the project you've been crafting, whether it's related to pedagogical aspects, student on-boarding services, or any other field, and remind yourself of your initial ideas. Now, here's the twist: we want you to distill your problem and solution ideas into a clear and concise description. Imagine you're explaining your project to someone who knows nothing about it. This exercise will not only help you clarify your objectives but also prepare you for the journey ahead.

Objective: Develop practical expertise in using the Melibo chat tool to design and implement chatbots tailored for educational and pedagogical scenarios, empowering learners with updatable and dynamic resources for informal learning

Learning outcomes:

  1. Understand the tool's structure, elements and functionality 
  2. Assess the possibilities of the tool for pedagogical use to conceptualize and design and evaluate chatflows
  3. Implement, deploy, and evaluate chatbots by using the tool
  4. Handle problems that arise when working with the tool

  • Welcome to the chatbot workshop – Overview of the tool
  • How it works - Practical and technical uses of the tool
  • Chatbot Analysis & Design
  • Start building your first Chatbot
  • Bring it to Life – Continue building a Prototype of your Chatbot
  • Deploy your Chatbot Prototype
  • Refine your Chatbot Prototype
  • Self-assessment
  • Quality Assurance
  • Sharing your Chatbot Prototype

This course was developed as part of the EU-funded project HYBOT - Enhancing hybrid teaching in higher education through chatbots. See further information on the project website: https://hybot.eu/

Permanently open resource for autonomous exploration.

This training program does not provide certification.

Duration: 11 Weeks (3 months)

Workload: Approximately 65 lesson hours (3 ECTS)

The creation of this resource has been partially funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2021-1-DE01-KA220-HED-000023203. Neither the European Commission nor the project’s national funding agency DAAD are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of this resource.