Oferta Pedagógica - IMmooc

The course introduces future museum professionals, social caregivers, schoolteachers and healthcare personnel to the idea of museums as inclusive spaces.
The course is based on the social model of disability and the design 4all approach. Everyone has an equal right to culture and visit museums.
Participants will reflect on how to build up a dialogue and trust relationships as a path to inclusion; how museums represent cultural heritage and how protected characteristics groups could represent themselves in a museum when co-designing an inclusive museum visit.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the course you will be able to:
- Apply acquired knowledge and developed competences to redefine the value of museums through the personal, social, and physical motivating factors (ABCD approach).
- Identify professional and soft skills that make museums more inclusive.
- Recognise projects where benefits of Art-Health-Wellbeing is evident.
- Connect artwork with the visitors’ condition/life-story.
Professional skills
By the end of the course you will be able to:
- Understand the ABCD approach (Asset-based community development).
- Develop knowledge about protected characteristic groups.
- Adopt an approach that bears in mind the social model of disability.
- Know psychological resources and strengths that promote people’s well-being and inclusive relationship with a museums’ experience.
- Co-design Museum experiences at different local entities.
- Involve social groups with protected characteristics.
- Create assessment tools.
- Unit 0. Presentation of the MOOC and the online environment.
- Unit 1, Introduction to the course and Definition and Basic Concepts of Inclusion and Wellbeing
- Unit 2, Understanding the Basis of Human Wellbeing applied to Positive Education and Art-health Experience
- Unit 3, Museum Education for Wellbeing and Inclusion
- Unit 4, Best practices at Museum for Inclusion and Wellbeing based on the Use of Technology
- Unit 5, Plan an inclusive Museum Visit for well-being promotion
Course coordinated by:
- Doutor João Paz
- Doutor António Teixeira
- Doutora Maria do Carmo Teixeira Pinto
Permanently open resource for autonomous exploration.
A non formal Certificate of Completion will be issued upon request by the participants.
Please contact Antonio.Teixeira@uab.pt.
Art History and Education
MOOC type
This is a self-paced MOOC that supposes autonomous learning and maximum flexibility for the participants.
There is a Help Forum, if participants require technical support or need clarifications about course platform navigation.
25 hours (1 ECTS)
Inclusive Memory ERASMUS+ Project
creation of this courses and its resources has been funded by the
ERASMUS+ program of the European Union under grant no.
2021-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000031991. Neither the European Commission nor the
project’s national funding agency are responsible for the content or
liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.